
What Are The Benefits Of Having A Content Calendar?

content calendar, content management, content strategy, social media marketing, social media management, social media

Small business owners know they need content marketing to grow their business. However, 63% of businesses do not have a documented content strategy. The truth is, most businesses are just winging it. Some of the common struggles are finding the time and finding content topics to post consistently. Therefore, it’s important to have a planned content strategy and a content calendar to keep you on track and consistent. 

The Value Of Content Management

Did you know that companies who publish more than 16 posts per month generate 3.5 times more traffic than those who publish less than 4 per month? The more you publish quality content, the more chances you have of your audience seeing your content. Real Estate social media marketing etiquette should be followed as far as when to share posts and when not to share posts. However, there is more to content marketing than posting content.

Part of your content strategy should include engagement with your audience. Building and nurturing relationships with your readers leads to new clients. With all this posting and engagement, your content marketing can take up a lot of time. However, it will pay off and produce results! For busy entrepreneurs and realtors, outsourcing your social media marketing and management would be a valuable asset to you. Delegating this necessary part of your business to an expert will save you the time from doing it yourself. This will allow you to focus on your income-producing tasks and client interaction.

The Benefits Of Having A Content Calendar

A content calendar is a schedule that you create to organize your upcoming content that you plan to post. Your content calendar should include a schedule of what, where, and when you will post the content. You don’t have to get too fancy with it. You can use a paper calendar, create a spreadsheet, or use software services and templates. If you plan to outsource your content posting and scheduling, you will need to be organized. You can use a sharable system so your team will have access. Having an organized content calendar will reap many benefits to your business:

  • Stay organized and on track. No more “winging it” or jotting down content topic ideas on a piece of paper that eventually gets lost or forgotten. Your content calendar will allow you to see any gaps in your content scheduling. You will be able to see if you focused too much on a particular topic and not enough on another topic. You can align your blog post topics with your social media and email marketing content. 
  • Maintain your consistency. If it’s not on the calendar, it doesn’t get done. This is an unfortunate truth for most busy entrepreneurs. Consistency is a must if you want your content visible to your audience. If you let it fall through the cracks, your audience may lose interest. The saying, “out of sight, out of mind” applies. 
  • Keep track of your results. As you consistently post blogs, social media, newsletters, etc., you will start to get an understanding of what types of content your readers prefer. For instance, social media accounts provide analytics that allows you to see how many views you get and how much engagement is produced by your content. Once you have a better understanding of what attracts leads, you can plan your content accordingly to produce even more consistent results. 
  • Reduce your stress. When you have a plan, you will instantly feel like a load is lifted. When your content is planned and scheduled for you, there is no longer the pressure to quickly come up with content. You can take your time and craft quality content that your readers will benefit from. Posting content for the sake of posting something will not yield results if it’s not the quality content that your readers want. 

To sum up, there are many other benefits to having a content calendar. This can vary depending on your business needs. If social media is a big part of your content marketing, there are many free and affordable social media management tools to choose from. Many businesses favor these tools for their ability to schedule posts ahead of time. This saves you time from posting to your various social media platforms multiple times a day and week. Remember that these tools cannot post to Facebook and Instagram stories for you. Above all, the better choice for busy entrepreneurs and realtors is to outsource to a social media and marketing professional. 

In what ways will a content calendar benefit you?



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