
Is Email Here To Stay? The Importance Of Building Your List

email list, email marketing, social media marketing, internet marketing, content marketing strategy, realtors,

There is a lot of focus on social media marketing these days, but what about email marketing? These types of marketing fall under the bigger umbrella of internet marketing, and they often go hand-in-hand. You can plan your content ahead of time and coordinate your email marketing with your blog topics and social media posts. So is email here to stay? Do people still use email marketing? 

Statistics Of Email Marketing

Statistics for 2021 show that email is still one of the top three channels used to promote businesses. Social media and websites are the only two channels used more often than email. Your list is the leading channel used to secure leads, nurture them, and convert them. 

Lists are important because email marketing is the best way to connect with clients, even beating social media. On average, you are six times more likely to get higher click-through rates through emails instead of tweets. Email is approximately forty times more effective than acquiring new customers through Facebook and Twitter. Ninety percent of emails are delivered to their intended audience, whereas only two percent of your Facebook followers see your posts in their newsfeed. Even more important, the return on investment (ROI) of $42 for every $1 spent! 

Email Marketing For Realtors

An email list is a great opportunity for realtors to keep in touch with their clients by sending a newsletter. Your newsletter can include featured listings, articles from other experts, and short sections of tips for homebuyers and sellers. You can use software that allows you to track how many people open your emails and click through to links. As you track these statistics, it will help you with your ongoing marketing efforts.

If your website has a blog, you can include your blog articles in your newsletter. This is a great way to repurpose your content, but it will also get more readers to your blog and website. Blogging and email marketing go together as part of your content marketing strategy. There are many benefits for realtors to use consistent blogging as part of their content marketing. You can promote your blog on your newsletter and your social media accounts to use all three powerhouse marketing strategies for your business.   

Why You Should Have An Email List

As you can see, there are many benefits to email marketing. Email marketing goes hand-in-hand with your social media marketing and blog content strategies. The best part of having an email list is that your subscribers are clients or pre-clients who signed up intentionally.  They want to keep in contact with you and get notified of any updates about your business. They are your warm market. These are the people that are most likely to read your content. If you provide share-worthy content, they may forward your email to some of their own contacts. Offer a promotion of some sort to encourage referrals if you really want to grow your list in this manner.

The emails that you send to subscribers will sit in their inbox until they have the time to read them. When people are scrolling social media, they often scroll right past your posts if they don’t have a lot of time. Then if they want to refer back to it, they may not be able to find it. If there is an email they want to save, they can save it to folders in their inbox or search for it when they want to refer back to it later. 

You are in control of your email marketing. You don’t have to worry about social media ads and changes or even Google penalties. As technology changes, it can be challenging to keep up with algorithms and ranking. You don’t have to worry about a third party changing the rules, and your email is the most consistent way to communicate with your contacts. 

Final Thoughts On Building Your List

Since it’s evident that email is here to stay, be sure to grow your list and nurture them. The most effective ways to build your list are:

  • Lead Magnets – This is an incentive you offer your visitors in exchange for their email addresses. It can be an eBook, a free PDF, or an infographic with helpful information.
  • Giveaways – Ask for their email address as an entry to the raffle for a giveaway. Give extra entries when they share your giveaway on social media.
  • Use a Popup Email Opt-in Form – If you have a WordPress website, there are several popup plugins to choose from.  
  • Events – If you hold any type of event where you meet and network with people, this is a great way to ask them to sign up for your email list. Realtors can use this option at open house events for potential buyers they meet.

Once you have your list, be sure to nurture them in a way that is unique to your business. Realtors can use a unique call to action or ask questions to keep potential buyers interested. Encourage in-person meetings and gently create a sense of urgency, so you don’t appear to be desperate or pushy. Put the most effort into responsive leads but don’t neglect the unresponsive contacts in your list. They may not be ready yet now, but you will be on their mind when they become ready. 



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