
How To Be Known As The Top Neighborhood Agent In Your Community

reator, neighborhood agent, community, agency, social media marketing

Are you a new realtor or perhaps starting your agency in a new neighborhood? You might think the competition has a leg up on you because they have been around the block (literally) longer than you have. This may be true in the beginning, until you make yourself known and prove your success. But if you follow these steps, you will be known as “THE Neighborhood Agent” in your community in no time!

Become An Expert On The Neighborhood And Community You Serve

The first thing you need to do is to study the neighborhood and the people who live there. After all, this is not the time to be shy! Networking and meeting new people, putting yourself out there, is crucial to making yourself known. Therefore, as you start to get business in the area, you will begin to generate referrals. Word-of-mouth is still the best form of advertisement there is. So how do you become an expert on the neighborhood and the people you serve?

  • Learn the statistics – Research all of the big-hitters: the schools, parks and recreational centers, crime rates, employment rates, churches and places of worship, major highways, and traffic data.
  • Learn the demographics – Who lives in the neighborhood you serve? Does the community consist primarily of millennials, families, or senior citizens? Knowing the demographics will help you determine how to market your agency best. For instance, a younger market will rely heavily on social media. The older generation may prefer mailers and old-fashioned meet-ups at community events.
  • Learn the people – If you want to be the top neighborhood agent that people come to when they are ready to sell, you will need to learn about the people living and working in the community. Learn the culture and get to know the locals. For example, where do they shop? What do they do for fun? Where do they work? Where do they worship? Find out the best restaurants and coffee shops, nearby dog parks, bike paths, and hiking trails. Know if there is a beach or lake within driving distance or any state parks that are tourist destinations. Making yourself part of this community, learning all the ins and outs of the area is what will make you stand out to potential sellers. They will see that you can proudly showcase their homes to potential buyers and be fully knowledgeable about selling homes in the area.
  • Network with local business owners – Get to know the local builders, roofers, plumbers, electricians, landscapers, painters, and even movers. When potential sellers come to you for recommendations, you want to be able to recommend the best. When you build a relationship with these contractors and refer business to them, they may return the favor and refer customers to you as well! 
  • Serve the community well – Get involved in local events and charities to show your support. You will get to know a lot of people and show your passion for serving.

Utilize Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing should be a top priority for your real estate business. Set up a business Facebook page and join local groups to learn more about the community and advertise your services, if permitted. If anyone in the groups has questions about real estate, you can offer tips in the comments to show your expertise. You can also utilize Instagram for your business, as well as other social media accounts. Showcasing homes through Facebook Live and Instagram live videos and other content to show your expertise will get you noticed.

Host Open Houses And Virtual Tours 

Potential buyers will research your business through your social media accounts and your website. Part of your appeal will be how professional your virtual tours look to potential buyers. Doing business during a pandemic has changed the way realtors do open houses. Realtors have grown accustomed to utilizing virtual tours and limiting open houses to appointment-only walk-throughs. Make sure you have good video equipment to make your virtual tours professional.

In summary, being the top neighborhood agent in your community all comes down to networking and building relationships and how well you know the local area. Be your true and authentic self. Don’t try to compete with other realtors in your neighborhood. Show confidence and pride in your expertise, and you will go far! 



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