
Keeping Up With Social Platform Changes For Real Estate Social Media Success

Dancing silly to video

Using real estate social media attracts new clients and establishes yourself as the local real estate expert. Video options seem to be exploding, which makes many of my camera-shy real estate friends shutter. Creating a TikTok video is just out of the question.

Whether you use social media for business or personal use, you know that changes frequently occur. Unfortunately, with so many platforms and so many changes, it can be confusing and overwhelming.

If you are old enough to remember dial-up internet access, you can agree that change can be good. We have come a long way, baby!

There is no point in resisting the changes because they are going to happen. Instead, embrace the change and figure out how to use it to best achieve your real estate social media goals.

In a recent poll of real estate agents by The Close, they found that 82% of real estate agents plan to improve their social media presence in 2021. In addition, social media was the #2 way real estate agents gained new clients, second only to referrals.

The good news is that social media can help you gain clients and is no longer just a means of branding yourself. Creating the right content is the key to success.

With Facebook and Instagram making changes to encourage more video content, do you need to create silly TikTok-type videos?

Take a deep breath because the answer is no.

If your style is to dance and be silly like some of the viral TikTok videos we have all watched, then, by all means, go right ahead and do it! But if that isn’t your style, you can successfully utilize social media to attract new clients and position yourself as a local real estate expert.

The use of photos for real estate social media will still be effective. Video is always a bonus, but there are ways to fit that into the content plan to reflect your style and not take you too far outside your comfort zone. Try stretching yourself to create a video, but do it in a way that suits your style.

One thing to remember is the 80/20 real estate social media recommendation. Only 20 percent of your social media content should be selling your real estate services, while the other 80 percent should be informative, educational, or entertaining for your clients.

So how can you keep up with social media changes and juggle all the other aspects of your business?

You can quickly check any updates directly through the platform you are using. For example, Facebook Newsroom is where Facebook posts its recent news. Instagram offers Instagram Business Blog where they share new business features and new ad options.

If you prefer to get your news from news sites, check out sites like Tech Crunch Social, where you can read up on changes across many different platforms.

Creating consistent content on social media is a top priority. In addition, creating a consistent habit of learning about recent social media platform changes will help you effectively reach your audience and gain more leads.

Virtual Professional Solutions helps busy real estate agents manage their marketing and social media efforts. Schedule a free 20-Minute discovery call to explore our various packages and find which one is right for you.



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