
How To Have The Workspace Design Of Your Dreams

These days, more people than ever are working remotely from their own home which has created a demand for the ideal workspace design.  Big corporations are realizing the cost savings and acquiring the technology to allow employees to work remotely.  Many professionals such as Real Estate Agents, Bookkeepers, and Web Designers have been working from home successfully for years.  Small business owners are utilizing Virtual Assistants to help manage their operations virtually, rather than staffing employees in-house.  Almost anyone in the world can now work remotely!

Whether you’re working from home temporarily due to a world-wide pandemic, or you’re an entrepreneur with a home-based business, let’s explore some inspirational ideas to create the home-based workspace design of your dreams.  Check out these tips.

Keep your house a home.

Home is our sanctuary and place of respite after a long day at work.  So what do you do when your workspace is at home?  It’s important to keep a designated workspace and the rest of your home just for you and/or your family.  You’ll want to be sure and set specific work hours while staying firm on those boundaries.  It could be tempting to work on that pile of laundry during your work hours, but multitasking and distractions can squelch productivity.

Avoid working in certain rooms of your home.


If your workspace is at the kitchen table, chances are you’ll be tempted to do dishes or cook dinner, or even mop the floor as a way to procrastinate on your work.  Distractions such as kids walking in to grab snacks will be plenty.  The kitchen table and chairs are not ergonomically designed to grind out a full day of sitting at a computer, either.


This is bad feng shui!  Not only is working in your pajamas in bed a bad idea for productivity and professionalism, but having your work area in the same room that you sleep can make for sleepless nights.  Seeing your computer and work items will remind you of all that work waiting to be completed.  Unless you have a spare bedroom that isn’t in use, it’s best to keep your office out of the sleep sanctuary.

TV Room, Living Room, Den

While the freedom and flexibility of working from home may allow you to watch daytime television or netflix, this is a common distraction and time-waster.  The couch and coffee table may look inviting, but this is where you want to keep your personal space separate from your workspace.

Create your dream office.

Designate a workspace

If you have a spare bedroom, unused family room, or formal dining room in your home, these may be ideal to create a quiet and private workspace design.  If your home is small and lacks an empty room, find a quiet corner and screen it off with a beautiful background panel.  Perhaps you have space underneath your staircase or an attic or loft area.  Some may even enjoy working outside on a cozy patio, surrounded by greenery and the sound of birds chirping!

Furnish your workspace

Pick out a desk and chair, making sure they are comfortable and ergonomically designed for your comfort.  Preferably, use a keyboard and mouse, add more monitors to make your desk area functional.  Add some cozy corner chairs, end tables, lamps, and accessories to make your space inviting.

Consider your light source

If your work area is too dark, add some strategically placed lamps or even install recessed lighting to create an ambiance that lifts your spirits.  Nobody likes to sit in darkness all day and it can cause drowsiness and mood swings.  If you have an area of your home that has a lot of natural light, such as a screened porch or sunroom, this is a great location to consider.

Add storage space

Keep your home office organized by adding filing cabinets or bins.  If you have room, a beautiful bookshelf will allow for open storage as well as an area to display stylish decor.  If your space does not have room for bookshelves, you can hang shelves on the wall for this same effect.

Decorate to your style

This is the fun part!  Find inspirational quotes to hang where you can see them, framed photos of your favorite humans and pets and interesting artifacts from your travels.  Add greenery to boost your mood and air quality.  Bring in a throw blanket and pillows for chairs.  Add your favorite colors, patterns, even textures, and make it unique to your personality.

The best part of working from home is that you can create the workspace that suits you best!  What are some inspirational ideas that you would like to create the home workspace design of your dreams?

Contributing Author:  Melissa Momcilovich



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