
Direct Messaging Is An Effective Tool To Nurture Real Estate Leads

Utilizing direct messaging is a great way to nurture real estate leads through social media platforms. Taking the conversation off your public feed and directly relating to your followers can result in meaningful relationships.

Watch for followers who are commenting, liking, and sharing your posts.

You have an opportunity to use DMs to start nurturing real estate leads and turn followers into clients.  Start a conversation from the comments they left in a DM. Because they left a comment, you know they have an interest in your content. It is easier to respond to warm leads than cold calling. 

In any sales industry, classifying leads is a technique of categorizing the leads by interest levels.
  • A cold lead has not yet shown interest in real estate services. The contact doesn’t know you, or they may not yet know they need what you offer. Converting cold leads can be a long process.
  • Warm leads know you and have built some rapport and trust with you, but they are not ready yet. However, they may have shown some interest in working with you. Social media is an excellent source to find warm organic real estate leads.
  • Hot leads are ready to work with you and have established a rapport with you. One of the best ways to nurture real estate leads is to spend time with those warm leads. 

Your social media presence can help you nurture any of the above lead categories. So don’t ignore any of these relationships. They are all valuable and can turn into sales.

Don’t overlook opportunities to direct message your social media friends or potential followers, starting conversations based on posts they have made.

Utilize any achievement or accomplishment they have shared as an opportunity to DM them. You can effectively nurture real estate lead by congratulating them personally instead of simply mentioning it in the conversation thread. 

Another good use of direct messaging is to connect with real estate agents outside your area for potential referral business. Networking with successful agents across the country can help generate quality real estate leads.

A National Association of Realtors survey also indicated that 77% of real estate agents use social media as a regular part of their business.

Social media use was on the rise before the pandemic to obtain organic real estate leads, but it became more important for agents to add social media to their toolbelt during that time. Age doesn’t seem to be a factor in the use of social media anymore. All age ranges are adopting usage.

That doesn’t mean you need to learn the latest TikTok dance craze unless you want to, but you need to choose a platform and create your presence. The summer of 2020 found Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and TikTok the top platforms to use in real estate.

Platform popularity changes, but Facebook and Instagram remain strong. Here at Virtual Professional Solutions, we focus primarily on these two platforms because they perform well for our real estate agents.

Use social media to nurture real estate leads without using irritating tactics. If you would like a refresher course in social media etiquette, click here.

Virtual Professional Solutions helps busy real estate agents manage their marketing and social media efforts. Schedule a free 20-Minute discovery call to explore our various packages and find which one is right for you.



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