
How to Harness the Power of Social Marketing Content to Improve Your Business

woman writing social media content

Social marketing content creation can be an overwhelming task for many business owners. However, understanding what is currently working on social media can help you to develop compelling content. 


One of the top trends that work not only for social marketing content but all marketing phases is storytelling. Stories are no longer only reserved for the Great American Novel. Storytelling is a way to engage your audience. You will also strengthen your social media branding through good storytelling.

You can use storytelling on every social platform. For example, you know Instagram and Facebook have Stories features that are great for generating this content. However, each social platform can use stories differently. 

Using Instagram reels and captions are places to share your story on that platform. On Facebook, you can share a video, live or even use sequential ads for storytelling, so don’t limit yourself; get creative.

There are many ways to tell a story effectively for your social marketing content. Buffer explores eleven effective formulas in this article

Many successful companies use storytelling in their advertising. Add it to your social marketing strategy.

Short-form content

Short-form content is any posts of 1000 words or less, including Facebook posts, tweets, infographics and memes, landing pages, and other web content. This type of content is very mobile friendly which is essential since more than 56% of internet traffic is on mobile. 

The benefits of short-form content include the following:

  1. It takes less time to create.
  2. Reading and digesting the information is faster.
  3. Some platforms only allow short-form content.
  4. It is easier to read on mobile screens.
  5. Social media sites prefer short-form content.

Short-form content is advantageous for social media, whereas long-form content is essential for website SEO.

Personalized Content – One size fits all doesn’t work!

Personalization is social marketing content that allows you to reach your ideal client, connect with them, and increase engagement. Understanding your ideal client is critical in creating this effective content. 

You can create personalized content by analyzing your data and creating an ideal client profile. 

The data to look at includes:

  1. Age
  2. Gender
  3. Location
  4. Interests
  5. Needs
  6. Buying history

Statistics show that 91% of customers will likely use businesses that personalize meaningful content. Conversely, 74% are frustrated when the content they receive fails to meet their needs. The saying “you can’t please everyone” is true regarding social marketing content.

A popular way to understand your market is with personalized quizzes or polls. They are an effective tool that allows you to segment lists based on their answers. 

Learning what doesn’t work for social marketing is as important as understanding what works. Included in the does not work category are:

  1. The mindset of quantity over quality.
  2. Trying to be on ALL the platforms.
  3. Posting identical content across several platforms.
  4. Sharing only your own content.
  5. Not using video on your social media platforms.
  6. Trying to target a general instead of a specific audience.
  7. Not replying to comments and questions on your social platforms.

Creating social marketing content can feel overwhelming when you are also responsible for the operations side of your business. Conceptualizing effective content requires planning and keeping up with social marketing trends to remain relevant to your audience.

Virtual Professional Solutions can help you with your social marketing strategy. We have several packages to fit the needs of your business. Contact Cindy at Virtual professional solutions to discuss your needs.



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