
Setting Goals And Planning Are Essential To Achieving Success in The New Year

Woman planning for success in the new year

Goal setting is an essential step to setting yourself up for success in the new year. The act of writing your goals on paper is powerful. This Forbes article explains the neuroscience of writing goals.

Here are some steps to creating achievable goals:

Determine Time Off

Begin by marking your calendar for the time you know you will be taking off for vacations, holidays, and personal matters. Now you have a better idea of the days you will have available to complete the necessary work for your goals each month.

Define Your Annual Goals

The next step is to dream big and define your annual goals. These goals should stretch you and make you feel somewhat uncomfortable. If you don’t feel uneasy, you probably are playing it safe and aren’t dreaming big enough. The famous Norman Vincent Peale quote, “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars,” reminds us that we may not reach our goals every time, but we can still land in a beautiful place.

What Needs To Happen Each Month?

Carefully review your annual goals and break them down into more manageable monthly goals. If your annual goal is an income goal, consider any seasonal changes you may have in your business. If you sell snow shovels, you will earn less in the summer when most people are not thinking about snow. Dividing income goals equally would not make sense.

Plan Your Weekly Steps

Now, you will need to examine your monthly goals to determine what steps will need to be completed each week to accomplish your monthly goals. Your weekly goals should be task-oriented items that you must meet to reach your monthly goals.

Create Daily Tasks

You should plan daily tasks you need to accomplish to help you reach your weekly goals, that help meet your monthly goals, and so on. Examine your progress at the end of the week and set up the upcoming week before you leave the office. You will be ready to tackle your list when you head back to the office on Monday.

Implement Changes Gradually

If the discipline of goal setting is a new discipline for you, make changes gradually. Jumping in with both feet may be too much at once to form a habit. It is easier to create my annual goals and then set monthly and weekly goals every quarter. That allows me to make adjustments as needed throughout the year.

Find An Accountability Partner or Group

Sharing your goals with an accountability partner or accountability group who can help you stay on track increases your probability of reaching your goal. The right accountability partner should challenge you when you need to complete the tasks that will help you to meet your success in the new year.

Celebrate ALL Accomplishments

Celebrating your accomplishments is an often overlooked step but should be a routine practice throughout the year. Take time to celebrate the small achievements along with the larger ones to encourage yourself to continue working towards your goals. Keep a list so you can look back when things are hard to see how much you have accomplished.

Implement A Personal Reward System

Along with celebrating, reward yourself for your consistent efforts. I have heard about some people who buy their favorite office supplies and can choose something from the stash when they reach predetermined milestones. Others may enjoy a manicure or pedicure, a night out, or tickets to a favorite sporting event. Make a list of rewards that speak to you.

Internalize Your “Big Why”

Stay connected to your “why.” What drives you to strive to succeed in the new year? Remembering why you were passionate about your business helps you progress when times get tough.

Focus Daily On Your Goals

You need to commit to focusing on your goals daily. Keep your goals close by so that you can review them. Use a paper or digital planner to plan your day to be the most productive. Track your progress throughout the year, and you will likely meet your goals.

There is no one size fits all approach to goal setting. If your previous approach hasn’t worked for you, try something new. The important part is not to give up on creating a goal-planning system that works for you. Taking the time to plan your goals will set you up for success in the new year. Virtual Professional Solutions can help you with marketing goals for business success in the new year.  Schedule a  free 20-Minute discovery call with Cindy today.



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